Grate about 2.5 cups of fresh coconut and blend it in a mixer along with ¼ cup of milk and cardamom seeds , to get a semi fine coconut .
Transfer the blend coconut into a bowl and set aside for about 20 to 30 minutes, this helps to get good flavour and texture to coconut barfi.
In a thick bottom pan, heat 1 tablespoon og ghee/ clarified butter.
Add blended coconut, stir well and cook on a low heat.
Keep stirring often , sugar dissolves completely and when there is very less moisture content , it starts to leave the edges.
Now add in another 1 tablespoon of ghee , cardamom powder , edible camphor ( if using) and mix well.
Keep stirring , at this stage it becomes hard to stir and starts to leaves the edges just reaching halwa consistency.
Now remove it from stove and spread on a greased tray . plate.
Spread evenly and tap firmly smoothing the top.
After 5 minutes , when its still warm , precut into desired shape.
Now after 15-20 minutes , when its completely coolsdown. Cut on marked lines and serve.
Stays good for 2-3 days in room temperature and stays good upto a week in refrigerator.