Preheat oven to 180 deg celsius
Into a blender add brown sugar, cardamom pods and blend to fine powder.
To the same blender add freshly grated coconut and blend once for 30 seconds until it is coarse.
Transfer coconut and sugar blend into a mixing bowl . Add softened unsalted butter.
Beat well either with a wired hand whisker or electric blender , until smooth and light.
Place a sievert over a mixing bowl , add flour, baking powder, cooking soda , salt , ginger powder and pinch of nutmeg.
Sift flour into the wet ingredients.
Mix well everything, cover with a cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, check whether cookie dough is stiff enough . Incase if it is not stiff, place it back into refrigerator for some more time.
Scoop out 1 tablespoon of cookie dough mixture , shape into a cookie and place on a baking tray.
Sprinkle some dessicated coconut on top of the cookies .
Bake in a preheated oven for 18-20 minutes until its golden on top. ( for more crisper and firm biscuit style cookies , bake for extra 2 minutes )
Remove baking tray from oven , let cookies sit on tray for another 5 minutes.
Later transfer on to a wired rack to cool down completely.
Once cooled serve and store remaining cookies in a air tight jar.